About Us
We are a Bible-believing, family-oriented church who loves our community! It is our mission to bring the gospel in its entirety in order to help people become truly delivered from the bondages of this world. Our area is infested with abuse, drug addiction, and alcoholism & we are determined to see people become free of these things. We want to see you experience freedom and joy – to truly live as God intended, and we know the glory of God will bring that to pass because we have seen it happen before! It is our prayer that you will visit and find a home here at the Pentecostal Community Church in Conneaut.
Our Pastor
Pastor Ardary began working in youth ministry in 1994, in 1999 he assumed oversight of the church’s outreach ministry. Eventually, filled with a burden for Ashtabula County, he and his pastor began holding Bible studies at the Orwell Fire Hall in 2002. From those Bible studies a church was birthed which now inhabits the Peck Road facility that was built and completed in 2009.